Credit: Lanski/iStockphoto

There is nothing that gives me more joy than to be a part of another’s healing process. I’ve had a lot of health challenges my entire life and for this reason I became a chiropractor.  It was the most helpful and transformational work that I received on my journey to greater health and healing.  

Over the 30 years that I have been in practice I have learned a variety of disciplines. They include:

  • Network Chiropractic
  • Somato Respiratory Integration
  • Trager Bodywork
  • Breathwork
  • Nutrition
  • Self-Regulation Therapy
  • (For healing trauma)
  • Reiki
  • Yoga
  • Pilates Teacher Training

I have also trained with Dr. Lance Wright founder of the Flowtrition method of healing for all creatures.  I have also been certified to work with cats, dogs and horses. This method fulfills a deep passion of wanting to work with and help the four-legged creatures.

While living in New York City and studying under Milton Trager, I discovered the work of Dr. Donald Epstein, founder of Network Chiropractic, now called Network Spinal Analysis. Following his encouragement, I went to Life Chiropractic College where I received my Doctorate of Chiropractic in 1993. Over the years I have gained various levels of certification in NSA. 

In 1997 I opened a private practice in Great Barrington, Massachusetts and also practiced at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. In 2002 I moved to the Pioneer Valley and renamed my practice Blue Star Chiropractic.
My philosophy remains that every creature has the innate ability to heal itself. Chiropractic creates the environment for that healing. 

I work with humans, domestic animals and horses and assist people and animals in all aspects of their health. It would be my honor and privilege to have the opportunity to work with you, and/or your pets. 

What people say about Dr. Eve:
“Being under care with Dr. Eve has completely changed my life. I left a bad relationship, moved to a new city, and have made changes I never thought were possible.”

“This work is so powerful. After a session I feel less tension in my body, more centered, and more like myself.”

Success Stories

Dr. Eve has been working with my elderly dog since last year.  He was hit by a car, had hip surgery and has arthritis through his neck and back and as a result is constantly in pain.  While his condition cannot be “fixed”, he has had tremendous relief from his work with Dr. Eve.  He has suffered from neck pain for years that causes him to walk in circles when it flares.  As a result of Dr. Eve’s work with him, this has virtually disappeared.  She has a kind and incredibly loving manner with him.  He trusts her.  She helps him move more freely and he suffers from less pain as a result. I would, and do recommend her for her skill with animals which I can only imagine is also reflected in her skills with her human patients.

Leslie Bennett, Imago Therapist

"Dr Capkanis' chiropractic and healing services are among the best in the world.  There are only a handful of elite practitioners that are at her level on the east coast.  She is that good.  She truly is the healer's healer.

Michael Croutch, Chiropractor, L.I New York

Jesse, our 30+ year old Percheron draft horse recovered from a debilitating hip injury through the incredible work of Dr. Eve. Her gentle and intuitive approach, paired with her Chiropractic skills allowed for physical alignment beyond anything we had hoped for. Today Jesse not only trots but canters across our pastures.

Nicole Birkholzer, Relationship coach for horses and Humans, Mindful Connections

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