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Success Stories

Dr. Eve has been working with my elderly dog since last year.  He was hit by a car, had hip surgery and has arthritis through his neck and back and as a result is constantly in pain.  While his condition cannot be “fixed”, he has had tremendous relief from his work with Dr. Eve.  He has suffered from neck pain for years that causes him to walk in circles when it flares.  As a result of Dr. Eve’s work with him, this has virtually disappeared.  She has a kind and incredibly loving manner with him.  He trusts her.  She helps him move more freely and he suffers from less pain as a result. I would, and do recommend her for her skill with animals which I can only imagine is also reflected in her skills with her human patients.

Leslie Bennett, Imago Therapist

Jesse, our 30+ year old Percheron draft horse recovered from a debilitating hip injury through the incredible work of Dr. Eve. Her gentle and intuitive approach, paired with her Chiropractic skills allowed for physical alignment beyond anything we had hoped for. Today Jesse not only trots but canters across our pastures.

Nicole Birkholzer, Relationship coach for horses and Humans, Mindful Connections

Eve is a grand healer. She knows what she's doing, and she tells you what she's doing and why she's doing it. I have never been disappointed in the results of her work. With her touch she releases the pains that come with the everyday stresses of life.

David Thomas, Professional Musician

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